Pharmacology - Sedation

Below is a summary of commonly used agents for sedation. Note that some agents are often used for multiple indications. Doses are IV, unless indicated. Also note that less common agents are detailed in the AFMS manual.

The agents are listed with the generic name followed by the trade name in brackets.

Midazolam (Versed)

  • Mechanism
    • GABA receptor activation
  • Indication
    • Sedation
  • Dosing
    • 0.01-0.1 mg/kg or 0.5-2 mg
  • Considerations
    • May also be used as an adjunct for induction
    • Avoid or reduce dose in elderly (risk of postop cognitive dysfunction (POCD)/delirium (POD)) and patients with OSA/COPD (respiratory depression)

Dexmedetomidine (Precedex)

  • Mechanism
    • α2 agonist
  • Indication
    • Sedation
  • Dosing
    • 0.2-0.7 mcg/kg/hr
  • Considerations
    • Optional load with 1mcg/kg over ten min
    • Titrate infusion as needed according to hemodynamic stability
    • Minimal respiratory depression
    • Analgesic properties

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