Pain Management
Acute Pain - Drugs and dosages for managing pain:

Mild Pain (Step 1):

  • Suggested Agent: Acetaminophen po
  • Dose: 500 mg-1g q6-8h
  • Cautions: Liver disease/elderly
  • Adverse effects: Negligible at therapeutic doses
  • Suggested Agent: Ibuprofen po
  • Dose: 200-400 mg q8h
  • Cautions: Platelet dysfunction (not COX-2), asthma or COPD, severe cardiac disease, hypertension, renal disease or history of peptic ulceration. COX-2 may be gastroprotective
  • Adverse effects: See cautions above.
  • Suggested Agent: Celecoxib po
  • Dose: 100-200 mg q12h
  • Cautions: Platelet dysfunction (not COX-2), asthma or COPD, severe cardiac disease, hypertension, renal disease or history of peptic ulceration. COX-2 may be gastroprotective
  • Adverse effects: See cautions above.

Moderate Pain (Step 2):

  • Suggested Agent: Acetaminophen 500mg/Codeine 30mg po
  • Dose: 1-2 tablets q4h
  • Cautions: Liver disease in elderly and history of allergy to opioid analgesics
  • Adverse effects: Gastric irritation with codeine
  • Suggested Agent: Acetaminophen 500mg/Oxycodone 5mg po +/- local anesthetic
  • Dose: 1-2 tablets q4h
  • Cautions: Relies on patient’s ability to metabolize to active form.
  • Adverse effects: Constipation, itching, nausea, sedation, respiratory depression, especially at higher doses with both medications

Severe Pain (Step 3):

  • Suggested Agent: I.V. Morphine
  • Dose: 0.1-0.15 mg/kg
  • Cautions: Reduce dose in elderly and supervise closely until pain controlled
  • Adverse effects: Constipation, itching, nausea, sedation, respiratory depression, especially at higher doses with both medications.
  • Suggested Agent: I.V. Hydromorphone
  • Dose: 0.02-0.03 mg/kg
  • Cautions: Reduce dose in elderly and supervise closely until pain controlled
  • Adverse effects: Constipation, itching, nausea, sedation, respiratory depression, especially at higher doses with both medications.
  • Call Acute Pain Service: Consider local anesthetic techniques

Neuropathic Pain (Step 4):

  • Suggested Agent: Amitriptyline po
  • Dose: 10-50mg qhs
  • Cautions: Cardiac Disease (TCA)
  • Adverse effects: Anticholinergic effects (TCA) and sedation, especially at higher doses.
  • Suggested Agent: Gabapentin po
  • Dose: 100-300mg q8h
  • Cautions: Elderly more prone to sedation.
  • Adverse effects: Anticholinergic effects (TCA) and sedation, especially at higher doses.

Next page: Acute pain - Treating opioid-related adverse effects

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